Thank you for visiting our website which I hope gives you an insight into our school.
Hawarden High School has been in existence since 1606; one of the oldest schools in Wales. We serve the young people, families and communities of Hawarden and its surrounding villages. The school has been situated on its current site since the 1890s with many listed buildings making up our unique accommodation. It has been through many guises – a junior high school and a grammar school, but for the last half century has been an 11-18 secondary comprehensive school with almost 1200 pupils in each of Years 7 to 13.
“Learn to succeed”
Hawarden High School encourages all young people to make the most of their learning opportunities. The school operates upon a foundation of high standards which includes mutual respect, good manners and the creation of responsible members of the whole community. Our staff encourage students of all abilities to achieve great things and foster aspiration, a willingness to succeed and high levels of behaviour at all times.
We are proud of our school which has a long history of excellence and the promise of an outstanding future. Hawarden High School has served its community for over 415 years and will strive to offer the very best for our youngsters as they prepare themselves for an increasingly competitive working world.
Outcomes for pupils, in terms of both A Level and GCSE results are consistently strong, performing well above local and national averages. We have a 100 per cent record of students leaving the school with qualifications and take great pride in our leavers successfully enrolling upon further education placements, apprenticeships and prestigious University courses.
Our pastoral care in the school is based upon four houses, with students being assigned to one upon entry. Each house is led by a Head of House, Deputy Head of House, Student Support Officers and a team of tutors. We take great care that the transition process from primary to secondary school is managed effectively, as is the progression from each Key Stage. At the root of our success is the establishment and maintenance of a close partnership involving pupils, parents, staff and the wider community.
Simon Budgen
Headteacher / Pennaeth